Friday, May 31, 2013

{I'm back :)}

Hello to the blogosphere!!  My goodness - it's been forever since I've posted's incredible how much can happen in just a few months!  Let's see...I started a full time job, was the maid of honor in my big sister's wedding, got my flower business up and running for another year, and oh yeah!  I just got back from Italy :)  Needless to say things have been a little hectic, but I really hope to start blogging more during these long summer evenings :D  

To start with, I definitely wanted to share some pictures from Italy.  The trip was so incredibly amazing I don't even know where to begin!  Besides visiting all the places I've only ever read about, roaming about the Italian countryside, and eating about double my weight in gelato, it was just amazing to walk around the different historical sites and see history really come to life!  My poor computer is currently groaning under the weight of 1,500 photos, but here's a few of my favorites to start with :)

{Roman streets}

{Hill town life}

{Gorgeous cathedrals}

{St. Peter's Basilica}

{My new favorite vehicle}

{Colosseum at night}



{San Gimignano} 

{Shady walkways}

{Poppies in bloom}

{Leaning tower + gelato}

{Yellow birches}

{Abandoned church}

{Mountaintop cities}

{Under the Tuscan sun}

Happy weekend!!
Bex <3