Sunday, August 31, 2014

{8.31.14} Snapshot

//because swing dancing the night away with these women is good for the soul.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

{8.27.14} Snapshot

//because I am overwhelmingly blessed.

Thanks to two dear friends from school, I was kidnapped on the night before my birthday and taken out for one last "teenager adventure."  Such escapades translated to roaming through Claire's, revisiting all the sequined and bedazzled glory of the teen years, and taking prodigious amounts of selfies.  All in all, these escapades made this girl more than ready to enter a fresh decade ;)

And then on the day of my birthday, I was immeasurably blessed by the outpouring of love from those God has placed in my life.  From being publicly humiliated in the dining hall, to receiving a birthday package from a beloved friend in Colorado, to stargazing in the soccer fields with my almost-sister, this was a birthday to remember :)

God is good.  All the time.

Monday, August 25, 2014

{8.25.14} Snapshot

//because on this first day of school, I am overwhelmingly blessed with the opportunity to spend the entire year with these beautiful and Godly young women.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

{8.23.14} Snaphot

//because it's been way too long since we've done a photoshoot :) (also I'm beyond excited that I get to spend the entire year with this dear friend and roommate!!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

{8.20.14} Snapshot

//because summer is over.

I can't even believe it.  The summer that I thought would never end has somehow careened by at a breathtaking speed, and on the night when I should be running around throwing my entire life into a suitcase, I'm instead trying to wrap my mind around what's just around the corner.

So many memories from my freshman year are threatening to make nostalgic tears trickle down my cheeks.  Oh what I would give to tell the freshman me to hold. on. tight. to each and every moment because life passes oh so fast and I am left wondering where on earth does the time go?  So many changes.  So many dear friends not returning to PHC this fall.  So many questions.  Yet over all, there is so. much. peace. 

If you ever go to follow me on Instagram, you'll notice that my username is "andnotbysight".  As I sit here surrounded by all my earthly possessions, I keep coming back to the reason I chose that name because it is so true that we walk by faith, and not by sight. 

Elation.  Anxiety.  Joy.  Doubt.  Peace.  Worry.  Hope.  Fear.  So many emotions are firing through my mind on this last night in Pittsburgh, yet I hold on tight to the fact that each and every one of us is in the eternal grip of grace.  God's grace is sufficient, even in my weakness, and therefore I walk by faith.

To God be all the praise and glory.

(as a completely non-deep side note, my soon-to-be-roommate sent me this link, and it perfectly sums up my evening)

(also I just realized that my past few snapshots were dated as July, not August.  Yep.  That's just the way things roll around here ;))

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

{7.19.14} Snapshot

//because words cannot express how hard it is going to be to leave this little princess in a few days.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

{8.10.14} Snapshot

//because being inches away from a sea lion was a rather new experience for the wee one ;)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Wee Nattie Bug.

Age: 6 months (how is that possible already?!)

Life accomplishments: sitting, crawling (well, almost.), teething, eating "big girl" food, and making friends with Annie.

Loves: books, animals, grass, swings, pureed pears, smiles, and (of course) Auntie Bex ;)

These blue eyes have stolen my heart for good.

Friday, August 1, 2014

{8.1.14} Snapshot

//because some days call for wild golden parties with the dearest of dear friends :)