After a very long and hot week, I finally have the chance to sit down in air conditioned splendor and compile 'Nationals: part 2' :)
As the Minnesota license plates proudly proclaim, the state has 10,000 lakes, and Northwestern college was situated right next to one of said lakes. I'd wanted to walk down to the shore ever since we got to the college, but never got the chance until later in the week, when Elsa and I decided to make a photoshoot out of it :D The campus was absolutely gorgeous and had some beautiful architecture, so we kept making detours on our way to the lake :) Leah and Liz eventually joined us as well, and we had a great time in our 'explorations' (we even found a little abandoned chapel!)
We got a little crazy ;)
When we finally made it down to the lake, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to do a model pose on the bridge :D
Elsa said that earlier in the day, the water lilies had been in full bloom, but the heat of the day must have closed them :(
This little chapel was so cute!! The doorknob had broken off, and we tried to peer through the cracks, but couldn't see definitely added an air of 'mysteriousness' to it all :)
Sweet Elsa...
Darling Leah...
Beautiful Liz...
In one of the buildings of the college, there was a gorgeous chapel with vaulted ceilings and marble pillars, and when we walked by, we saw two different wedding parties taking pictures outside. We thought about crashing the party, but decided against it :) I just ended up taking stalker-ish photos from a distance...
We did our last few shots on the steps leading into the main building:
(Els has nailed the model look with those sunglasses ;P)
(annnnd so has Leah! :D)
Laurence rounded the corner just as we were setting up our last picture, so she of course had to be a part of the group :)
This was definitely one of my favorite parts of the week - any time I have the chance to take pictures of such gorgeous girls is time well spent!! Thank you all for making my 'job' as photographer so easy - you are all beautiful, both inside and out, and I look forward to more photoshoots in the future!!
Bex <3
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