Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Morning thoughts...

All I can say is that I hope none of the neighbors were looking out their windows this morning, because if they were, they would have seen some girl with wild hair, a baggy sweatshirt, and crazy pajama pants bent over a bush with a camera. was me :D  But look what the result was!

All the leaves on our rosebushes were outlined in these beads of water - it almost looked like they were wearing pearl necklaces!

But I had to stop for a minute and think about how many times I've just rushed past these plants and never noticed their intricacies.  The times when I've had to go somewhere or do something and failed to notice the beauty of God's creation.  Our Creator has placed so many stunning designs right in front of our eyes, yet we so often look past them in the search for something 'more'.  As weird as it may sound, these rosebushes made my day today!  I feel that I was given a 'gift' of sorts - the gift of delighting in the 'little things' of life :)  
So what gifts have you been given today?  Not the ones wrapped up in paper and bows, but the gifts from our Lord.  Maybe it's baby birds chirping in their nest, or the smell of freshly-mown grass, or the vibrant color of a peony.  Joy and beauty is shining all around us, so let us delight in our Savior today!!

Bex <3